Table of Contents

A very good auto matic firing system, easy to use and convenient.

Good looking host, black panel, big screen, touch buttons.

The slaves to work with it is a 24 channel module, which is also the module for their DBR02 system. So users can exchange very conveniently between these two systems based on their fireworks display job requirements.


(DBW02AUTO MASTER / HOST) Wire control system. You can use 2-core shooting wire, or use customized stronger cable.


connecting host and slave 1


connecting host and slave 2

The host and the slaves can be connected in big flexibility.


connecting host and slave 3

Special APP provided for users to script the fireworks display on computer.


Software for scripting fireworks display

Upload the scripts to the host by a USB key disk.


By simply pressing the START button, the display will automatically run according to the scripts.

You can pause the show with the PAUSE button and resume it with START.

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